Sunday, June 7, 2020

becoming ii

Time, my time, is so 
incredibly precious to me.

Every minute I have on my own
Is necessary to charge 
my internal batteries and sense of self
especially after the delightful, 
and yes, necessary,
interactions of friends and work and family  and recovery.

I love them and need them all, 
but they drain me so....

Not to mention the time needed 
to recover from 50 plus years of 
not recognizing or meeting 
my own need for that recharging, 
let alone the unawareness, 
not to mention the blatant disrespect and disinterest of many others of that need

(even when expressly and explicitly stated) 

many of whom were often recklessly responsible for drawing that inside battery down to zero.

Weekends are now times of blissful quiet
setting my own schedule
making unilateral decisions
with no regard needed or desired for others' requests or desires

Just my own are now in the equation

So joyful and satisfying 
to love and respect myself 
on a level that I never have 
or even knew I should or could

before now

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